I biked pass here everyday to get to the city center.
It was easy to locate again as it was right next to the planetarium and blue in the Vesterbro hood.
Sharlene and I spent many hours studying here. My huge Queen Mary Psalter was on reserve here for my paper for my Midevil Art History course. Say what?! Not biology? Yup, I took Soren Kierkegard philosophy, Art History, Danish culture and language. A different and fun semester indeed.
My neighborhood one was no longer there though due to an upscaling of the area.
We were somewhat surprised that we found it. The key marker was the Mexibar across the street!
We biked everywhere as our trasnport, even in subzero weather with windchills and pouring rain. It was weird walking around Copenhagen, but soon, Shar and I found citibikes and were back on wheels.
I only wish New York had bike lanes! No helmet needed nor massive kryptonite chains
Sharlene in front of her flat, maybe?
After the 30 minute ride from my flat to hers in the Osterbro hood which we did so many times, we arrived at her apt complex, but Shar couldn't remember exactly which one was her.
After the 30 minute ride from my flat to hers in the Osterbro hood which we did so many times, we arrived at her apt complex, but Shar couldn't remember exactly which one was her.
Malmø, Sweden, for a day
What? Sweden, again?! Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's only a half an our train ride to Sweden. I must've went at least 4 times when living in Copenhagen. On our second day, Sharlene and I trained over on a "family" ticket for the day to visit Shar's friend, Pernilla.
What? Sweden, again?! Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's only a half an our train ride to Sweden. I must've went at least 4 times when living in Copenhagen. On our second day, Sharlene and I trained over on a "family" ticket for the day to visit Shar's friend, Pernilla.
Oddly, these statues are one of the main things I remember about the town. I have the exact same pic 10 years ago. Malmo has changed a lot since then.
We don't remember this. That's because it was built about 8 years ago.
These public piers and beaches are new for Malmo, and also in Copenhagen. Lucky for us, we also experienced the heat wave.
Pernilla was an awesome host to her city! Thanks a million. It definitely made me really like Malmo.
Back to København
in time for a concert.
in time for a concert.
Shar and I are both big concert fans so it was fitting that we got to see a concert at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival while we were there. This outdoor venue in a lovely courtyard was perfect. Efterklang was pretty amazing. They kept saying guten tak (thanks very much).
Anyone who knows me, knows I'm serious about food, and especially bakeries. And, as Shar says "The Danes can sure bake!" We frequented this new phenomonal chain bakery 3 times. We got by on baked goods and shwarma pizza (that's what we remember about our Danish food) in Denmark.
On our last day, we hopped on citbikes again to go to Amager Island to check out something old (our university) and something new (island brygge pier).
A brand new building was built behind it.
I think it's funny how I was so surprised to see new things in the city. I expected it to be exactly as I remembered, but of course it changes in 10 years! I just think about how much NYC has changed since I moved there.
But some things will always remain...
But some things will always remain...
We wondered why we didn't picnic more when we lived here. Oh yeah, we were here in the fall in winter = cold, dark and rainy.
Enjoying a picnic lunch at a local park with local sandwiches.
It was an awesome 3 days riding through memory lane. A lot has happened in the past 10 years, but we will always have a little part of Dane in us. We already pondered another reunion in 10 years. Perhaps we will leave impending kids and husbands behind. What will we find then?
From Kaylin: I love you. Did you have a good trip? I like the statues. Is the pastries good? I like you. I hope you have a great summer.
From Carter: I like pastries. I like, uh, from her. I like her trip.
From Caroline: Love it!! And I would love some pastries, too! The reunion pictures are great, what a great idea for a trip! I love that you guys each found your flat.
Thanks for the comments Kaylin, Carter and Caroline. Love you all too. I'm sorry Auntie couldn't bring you back any pastries :( They were yummy! Yes Kaylin, I did have a wonderful trip! See you all very soon!
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