Now we heard many great things about this small old town hugging the southern most tip of Croatia. So we had to check it out. After an hour ferry ride and scenic bus ride winding down the coast with amazing views, we arrived.

The view of the main street from top the city walls. The floor of the old town was white marble and the sun sparkled off of it like I've never seen before. The walk around the top of the walls was spectacular. This old town definitely lived up to it's hype.

View of the cliff from the city wall at sunset.

Another view from the city walls of the roof tops.
The town was actually raided by Yugolslavia in1991 and has a pretty harsh history. A lot of the buildins originating in the 1300s have been wonderfully restored since then and the town has regained tourism and recovered from it's horrible past.

The fortress walls and Joy. They were used to keep the enemies out. They would lock themselves inside the city center and get water through pipes from the mountain.

Joy and me in one of the swimming holes outside the city walls. Half of the fun was wandering around the streets trying to find where they were. it was nice deep swimming and the main reason was of course to cool off.

And that concludes Croatia! It was a wonderful time with Joy and Otto and I am sooo thankful to have been able to travel with them, especially since we don't get to see each other often seeing that they live in the Stockholm and me in New york city. It's tough being so far from Joy, a dear friend, but that's one of the beauties of being world adventurers - we can meet up in random places across the world and always have an excuse to travel to meet! I miss you, Joy!
Nice to see the Croatia part of your trip! What nice blues--both the sky and water. We don't get that in New York. Ha, that's an understatement when it comes to the Hudson.
beautiful photos - i esp like the red roof one
i miss you too! that was me posting the comment not otter. though i'm sure he misses you too!
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